Microsoft Dataverse is a cloud-based data storage and management service that is part of the Microsoft Power Platform.

It provides a unified and scalable data storage solution for business applications.Key aspects of Microsoft Dataverse include:
- Unified Data Model: Dataverse uses a common data model to standardize data across apps and deployments, simplifying data management, analysis, and integration.
- Integration with Microsoft Products: Dataverse can be integrated with other Microsoft products like Dynamics 365, Power Apps, Power Automate, and Power Virtual Agents for easy data sharing and application development.
- Security and Compliance: Dataverse includes robust security features such as rich access controls and audit trails. It’s also compliant with various global standards
AI Builder Integration
AI Builder is a feature within the Microsoft Power Platform that allows users to incorporate AI capabilities into their applications without the need for extensive coding or data science expertise. It leverages the data stored in Dataverse to provide various pre-built AI functions that can enhance applications and workflows. These functions include:
- AIReply: Drafts replies based on input text.
- AISentiment: Assesses the sentiment of a message (positive, negative, neutral).
- AISummarize: Summarizes the content of text.
- AIClassify: Categorizes text into predefined categories.
- AIExtract: Extracts relevant information from text.
- AITranslate: Translates text from one language to another.